Restorative Nursing

Male res on nustep with female eeNursing-based rehabilitative care

Restorative nursing is ordered and overseen by nurses with consultation from therapists. This is different than therapy where therapy professionals provide treatment overseen by physicians. Typically, restorative nursing is needed due to a decline in skills due to chronic disease, disuse or other physiological factors. Goals of restorative nursing include restoring loss in function, maintaining restored function as well as preventing further loss in function.

Benefits of Restorative Nursing

  • Delay decline in function
  • Improve quality of life by helping to maintain independence as much as possible

Elements of RestorativeĀ Nursing

Training exercises, treatment and activities for individuals at these different times of their recovery:

  • Recently discharged from physical, occupational or speech therapy
  • Upon admission if restorative needs are present and physical, occupational or speech therapy is not appropriate
  • At anytime during a nursing home stay when restorative needs arise

Areas of focus

  • Ambulation
  • Prosthesis care (excluding dentures)
  • Splint/brace care
  • Bed mobility
  • Communication
  • Dressing and grooming
  • Eating and swallowing
  • Range of motion, active or passive
  • Transfers
  • Bowel and bladder functions

Indicators that often trigger Restorative Nursing

  • Balance issues
  • Falls
  • Decline in range of motion
  • Decline in activities of daily living (ADLs):
    • Bed mobility
    • Eating
    • Transferring
    • Toilet use


What a perfect gift! The sound of the wind chimes will remind me of Momā€™s singing! I wanted to be sure you and your staff know how much we appreciate the kind and gentle care Mom received while she was an Oakbrook resident. She often told us how kind everyone there was to her. When she came to Oakbrook, she seemed to come back to life after the previous three months when she was in such deep mourning for Dad that we hardly knew her. However, she really perked up while in your care, and our family was able to truly enjoy her last two months. We all have such fond memories of our visits with her there. It was so nice to see how your activity employees got her involved in Bingo, singing, etc. Thanks to you and your staff for all you did to improve Momā€™s quality of life those last two months.
Nancy K.

music-memory-program Proud to participate in the Music & Memory Program

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